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Elementary (K-5)

Why Choose the K-5 Full-Time Program?

Structured flexibility of learning at home - build your own daily  schedule

Student with Teacher
Teacher Reading to Children

You are not alone - partner 1:1 with a certified teacher

3 Free high quality curriculum - NEW and improved Lincoln "Lite"
4 Hands on materials included - move away from the screen
5 Tuition free - online, public education
Teacher Reading to Children


Weekly Commitment and Learning Activities
Amount of time

4-6 hours per core subject

1 hour per elective

mentor check in

asynchronous lessons

practice activities

video and games

handwritten worksheets

printed books

math materials

Parent Responsibility - Parents are the Learning Coach who is at home directing the student’s day to day school work. While each GLVP course is overseen by a certified teacher, parents play an integral role in their child’s education. Elementary-aged students need continued support and guidance in a variety of ways when learning online.

Parent Expectations:

  • Organize daily routine

  • Select desired learning activities

  • Keep students on pace


  • Introduce & teach concepts daily

  • Ensure content mastery

  • Help communicate with teacher

  • Monitor computer use

  • Assist with course navigation

  • Submit completed work



Enrollment and  Registration: 

Kelly Morcombe (


Program and Curriculum:

Grades K-1: Audra Misner (

Grades 2-3: Sara Manring (

Grades 4-5: Amy Bower (