GLHS Back To School 2024
Welcome Back Students!
Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year! As you prepare to return to school on Monday, August 26th, here is some information that you may need to know to have a great first day of school!
Please take a look at the "Other Online Forms to Fill Out" Section below!
- Tuesday, August 13, 6:00-8:00p (9th Grade) Presentation for parents will begin at 6:00
- Tuesday, August 13, 1:00-3:00p (12th Grade drop in)
- Thursday, August 15, 9:00-11:00a (10th Grade drop in)
- Thursday, August 15, 1:00-3:00p (11th Grade drop in)
High School Building Information
Important Dates
August 26
- First Day of School (full day)
August 30 & September 2 - No School
Online GLCS Annual Data Verification
- Before school starts, please log in to your ParentVUE account and click on the link that says Current GLCS Annual Data Verification that is found on the main page.
- This form must be filled out for each child enrolled and is REQUIRED to be completed PRIOR to orientation.
- If it is not completed by September 15 the
student’s access to the network and email will be shut off. Please also know that if you have already done this prior to July 1, it has been cleared and the information and dates did not save. PLEASE RE-DO. - The Device Agreement and the District Acceptable Use Policy that will need to be completed within the electronic form as well.
- If you have not set up a ParentVue account, please contact the high school office at 269-548-3500 for your activation code.
Other Online Forms To Fill Out
- Parking Permit – Permit Renewal is required yearly if using student parking. Go to and complete the registration. You will receive your permit on orientation day.
- Free and Reduced Lunch- All students at Gull Lake Schools will be able to receive breakfast and lunch at no cost for the 2024-2025 school year. Meal applications are still being collected- beyond the lunch program, (the information is used in consideration for paid testing and athletics among other student activities and programs that can offer discounts to families with benefits granted).
Parents or guardians can submit this application online at or in person at your child’s school office. It’s an easy and confidential way to ensure your child stays well-nourished at school.. - Fall Warm Up & Bright Holiday Programs- If your family qualifies for free lunch, you qualify to receive assistance with winter clothing and holiday items from the Gull Lake Area Community Volunteers. Please visit the GLACV website at to complete Fall Warm-Up/Bright Holiday form.
- Picture Day will be at orientation! All students are required to have a current photo for StudentVue and for
a student ID card. This year the district will be using GPI. Geskus Photography Inc. You will receive an email with a link to
order pictures after orientation day.