School Safety Central
Message From The Superintendent
Dear Gull Lake Community School Families & Community Members:
Welcome to Gull Lake’s “School Safety Central”, a portion of our web page designed to be a resource to parents, staff members, students, local media, and community members.
Gull Lake Community Schools believes that a safe school district is the result of a coordinated, collaborative effort with all district stakeholders — local law-enforcement, emergency responders, community members, district staff, parents, and most importantly, students. We are proactively engaging these stakeholders to create a safe and productive learning environment throughout our district. By focusing on facility improvement, safety systems, safety training and education, and community partnerships, we are working diligently to ensure our district is a safe place to learn.
As always, please contact your building principal or our central administration office with any concerns or questions you might have.
Emergency Resources & Contacts
Adam Kelm
Resource Officer
Phone: 269.548.3585