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School Nurse

Mrs. Megan Asper


Phone: 269.548.3529

Fax: 269.548.3501 

Megan’s schedule varies to cover special events, meetings, and emergencies, but this is the typical schedule:

Monday: Richland Elementary

Tuesday: Kellogg Elementary

Wednesday: Middle School

Thursday: Ryan Intermediate

Friday: High School 

Summer Contact information: See email above

Medical Forms 

FARE Food Allergy Action Plan

Medication Authorization Form

Dietary Request


Your child may not start school until we have proof of immunizations and your child is considered complete. Please contact me if that is going to be a problem for you. Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services has an immunization clinic: 269-373-5203, Calhoun County: (269) 969-6363. A hearing and vision check is also required before the start of school. 

Health Conditions

If your child has a health condition such as diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, food allergies or anything else please include this information in your registration paperwork and please reach out to me.

Medications at School

Over the counter medications may be brought to school if a parent signs the Medication Authorization Form for them to be administered at school. Medications must come in the original container with proper labeling. DO NOT send medication in with your child, a parent or guardian must bring it to the office, medications may not be sent on the bus.

Prescription medications require the Medication Authorization form with a doctor's signature. Medications that are given just once or twice a day should be given at home when at all possible. Medications must come in the original container with proper labeling from the pharmacy (child’s name, medication name, dose, frequency). A new doctor’s order form must be filled out yearly. DO NOT send medication in with your child, a parent or guardian must bring it to the office, medications may not be sent on the bus.

When to keep your child home from school:

For the protection of children at school we adhere to these guidelines, if your child is showing any of the following DO NOT send them to school:

➤Fever of 100.4 or greater (must be fever free for 24 hours before returning)

➤Earaches that continue and have not been treated by a doctor

➤Rashes of unknown cause

➤Coughs that are constant, keeping the child from participating in activities and causes them to be uncomfortable

➤Nausea, vomiting and or diarrhea (symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school)

➤Any open, draining wounds that have not been treated by a doctor



School Immunization Requirements

In order to enter school, your student must have the following immunizations listed below. You do not have to wait until your child’s 5th birthday to complete the school requirements. All State of Michigan immunizations may be completed on or after the child’s 4th birthday. We must have a copy of your child’s immunization record from your doctor’s office or local county health department.

Required for all children entering kindergarten, all seventh-grade students and all children changing school districts:

- Two Doses of Varicella vaccine or history of chickenpox disease
- Four doses of DTP with the fourth dose on or after the 4th birthday
- Three doses of Polio with the third dose on or after the 4th birthday
- Two doses of MMR with the first dose given on or after the 1st birthday. Three doses of Hepatitis B (if series are given in infancy, the third shot must be given on or after the 6 month birthday)

Required for all children 11-18 years of age who are changing school districts or who are enrolled in 7th grade:

- One dose of Tdap vaccine (If 5 years have passed since the last dose of tetanus/diphtheria vaccine - DTaP, 
    Td or DT) 
- One dose of Meningococcal (Menactra, MCV4 or MPSV4) vaccine

Vision and hearing testing are required before a child starts kindergarten. If you do not have a doctor that provides hearing and vision screening, please contact your local Human Services Department and schedule an appointment:
- Kalamazoo County Human Services 373.5200
- Calhoun County Health Department 969.6384

Thank you for attending to your child’s immunizations and screening in a timely manner.